Friday, September 16, 2005

Recently the EAC list that my wife participates in had a discussion about a foster home for autistic kids that kept the kids in brightly colored crates at night. Win's comment was:

We had considered changing a crib to an upside down position for our children. They all started climbing out of their cribs at about 8 to 10 months of age. They could walk, they could climb, they could get into all kinds of trouble. But they were young enough not to be able to understand any sort of direction.

Courtney used to like to climb up our closet organizer and leave one shoe on the top shelf -- just 8 inched from the ceiling. It was her way of letting me know that she had been up there.

She used to leave crayon marks on the playroom ceiling. I never could figure out how those got up there.

Jessica liked to get herself up onto the toilet, use the toilet paper holder as a foot hold and use it to boost herself over into the sink. Then she could play with the faucets. She was 8 to 9 months old. She also figured out how to open up the frig and search for the container of whipping cream.

We did try a net over the top of one child's crib. It appeared to be more of a health hazard than any sort of prevention so it didn't last more than a day. I do like the big screen idea Russ mentioned.. It would be like a huge terrarium.

About the article, it all depends on the children and their particular issues. Autistic children can lay in bed and bang their heads into the wall or the side boards for hours. They can get head injuries. ...

Just thinking about our girls and bright colors. Hope the other children are ok, but I miss our girls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They sure sound adventuresome. That crayon on the ceiling would've freaked me out.

I have a nephew who is a climber. His dad builds houses. Once he climbed up a ladder onto the roof of the house his dad was working on. I don't think he was even two yet.

My youngest was an escapee. I used to take college classes in the morning and my husband would work a slightly later shift. He'd sleep in, and if my youngest was awake he'd throw a huge fit that I was leaving somewhere without him. He was around 2. One day I drove off and left him crying, thinking my husband would have to get up and deal with him. It didn't work out that way.

Elijah went into the garage, opened the garage door by hand (!!) and ran down the street after me. A neighbor grabbed him before he went out in the main road where the speed limit is 50mph. She wasn't sure whose he was and called the cops. So my husband woke up to a cop at the door with Elijah in his arms.